ON Monday I took part in one of the best debates I have attended.

This was on the Second Reading of the Mental Capacity Bill. Party politics never entered the discussion and there were sympathetic, heartfelt contributions from those in favour of the Bill and those with reservations.

The main fear was that the Bill would legalise euthanasia by omission. The Government stated that this was not intended. But they did not accept the solution to include an amendment stating that fact.

Sadly neither did the minister introducing the Bill indicate that the Government would be receptive to other amendments and in my contribution I appealed for the Standing Committee which will review the Bill to function on non-party lines exactly as the House had done.

At the division I abstained because the aim of the Bill to protect the rights of those lacking mental capacity is right. If the Government accepts the necessary amendments during the committee stage, then I will vote in favour at the Third Reading.

On Tuesday, we debated funding for West Mercia Constabulary following the Government's nomination of a reduced budget.

MPs of all parties put before the Minister for Policing the arguments that West Mercia is being treated unfairly.

Per head of population we have one of the lowest Government grants among all forces and similar forces.

Also local tax payers here provide a higher percentage of the police budget than the average across the country.

The minister made no promises other than to assure us that some of the funding decision mechanisms that help West Mercia will not be withdrawn this year.

I am very aware of the difficulties the proposed post office closures will cause and am working with others to help. To date we have forced the transfer of one post office rather than its closure.

I met the chief executive of the county council who asked me to support a specific request to Advantage West Midlands.

I met Robin Hill, the county museums officer, to discuss setting up a meeting to bring together our local industrial heritage collections and I visited Churchill Forge to see the huge water wheel at this fascinating mill driving complex cogs and pulleys for the ancient machinery that is still there.

Music for You was as varied and exciting as usual and I was delighted with the spontaneous appreciation shown by the audience at the Town Hall on Friday night.

Finally, a word of encouragement for our beleaguered Harriers.

Please re-double your brave efforts to stay in League Two to show that a club living within its means can compete at this level.

I know the gates do not reflect the wide support for the club that really exists but relegation would be deeply felt by us all.

I look forward to watching a match again as soon as I can.