Many readers may have read about the problems with two low- cost housing planning applications in our village.

On the surface the scheme appears fine, affordable housing for local people, but what an uproar it caused. Upwards of 70 angry villagers attending parish council meetings giving vent to their frustrations at this seemingly beneficial plan for the village. Where did it all go wrong?

How were the council to know there was already a developer in the wings and another landowner, who also had a piece of land available. The council started the ball rolling with a government plan, that if a need through a housing survey was established, money might flow in via a housing association to complete it. Great advice was delivered, via Malvern Hills Council, but we were not told one important fact: "A developer, once a housing need has been established, can entirely bypass the parish council".

In Alfrick's case this happened and now the village looks as if it will be saddled with one of these unsuitable sites. The scheme has been bulldozed along in a very short time, compared to other village schemes, the council now playing a very small role in the whole exercise. The fact that both plans were turned down by the parish council appears not even to have been considered.

Advice for any suitable villages thinking of starting this scheme; check out very carefully all possible sites before even starting a survey, which will inevitably show a need. When the need is established any land on the edge of the village planning envelope is fair game, and although not published, Malvern Hills appears to have a yearly target for local housing, which it is anxious to reach and prepared, in this case, to tread on 70 sets of toes.

We do need this housing but not with all the animosity this has caused, the scheme can and has worked in other villages, but it does have serious flaws. Be warned!

Garth Lowe, Old Storridge,
