SPORTS clubs from across Worcestershire could benefit from a scheme to develop playing fields in Powick into a '21st Century facility'.

Powick Parish Council is backing plans to replace a temporary pavilion on the site of the former Powick Hospital with permanent changing rooms, kitchen and toilet facilities.

Local sports groups are being encouraged to join forces to form a committee that would take responsibility for the project and the running of the fields, currently managed by the parish council.

The fields, which cover five acres, are regularly used by three groups - Leigh and Bransford Badgers, Powick Football Club and Powick Rounders Club.

Bosko Medakovic, senior coach to Leigh and Bransford Badgers, said there was not a great deal of provision for county sports groups currently and the development would provide a 21st Century facility.

The Badgers had been using a playing field at Leigh and Bransford Memorial Hall but had found playing there difficult, due to the uneven surface and limited space.

Mr Medakovic said he would welcome improved facilities at Powick.

"As a junior football club we're 100 per cent behind it, purely because of the lack of facilities available to us in our rural catchment," he said.

"Certainly the driving energy between the two football clubs is there and I'm optimistic that something will come of it."

Mr Medakovic estimated the project would cost about £100,000, which could be met with grants and funding from sports bodies.

A meeting for all interested parties is due to be organised by the parish council in the next few weeks.