Went to Leeds last Sunday, left Worcester at 10.00 am, got to Leeds at 2.30 pm, great the motorways are they not.

By the way, if you do know Rick The K, now known as Forest Gump, got took short on the Chesterfield by-pass, mini-bus in queue, which suddenly started to move, so Rick the K had to run all down the middle of the road...big fun, well you had to be there really.

In the back bar of the Barmaid's Bosom (well I have to say it's not really called that. But our pub doesn't want any publicity so appears under an assumed name !

Anyway the usual Saturday evening Brains Trust gathered and the talk was of animals that can swim...honest.

Cider-man started it all (he's the one that doesn't drink cider) by talking of horses getting excersise by swimming, which we knew, so it set us talking of swimming animals.

'Farmer' Giles ( he's not a farmer but has a medical problem !) told the gathering that pigs cannot swim, as the force of the water cuts their throat, there was general scorn at this.

We went on down the animal chain, all dogs it seems can swim, Mad Gerald informed us that there is a species of duck that cannot swim, but he couldn't remember the name of it.

Then we came to mice, and this heralded a long and heated discussion as to the swimming ability of mice.

Alice (surname Band, real name Jean) then suggested we catch a mouse and see if it could swim.

Before the RSPCA get in touch, it didn't take place.

Imagine my amazement then when I looked in my most recent fish pond on Tuesday morning and found...a dead mouse.

Now I assume it had drowned but maybe it had been left there by a cat, although we haven't got a cat, and why would it drop the mouse in the pond....maybe it wanted to find out if mice can swim!

Quick mention for Malvern Town Football Club, Sheppo and I popped in last Friday evening for their game against Oadby. Good competitive game, the Town won two-nil, and we were made very welcome, nice to see some old chums.

'Glaws' at Sixways tomorrow, they'll make a noise, Warriors fans get behind your team.