IN reply to John Hinton (You Say, Thursday, October 7) and Tracey Heywood (October 8), I know of people in St John's who do not want Christopher Whitehead School transferred to the suggested site.

In any case, unnecessary disturbance is never a good thing.

How can Tracey Heywood be so sure that a new school financed by Tesco will be so wonderful?

A few corners may be cut as was the case with the PFI-built new hospital. The main consideration of private companies is to create maximum dividends for shareholders.

The taxation bogey is always being raised and it is true that many people on low incomes should not have to pay income tax.

Also, inheritance tax should not apply to estates worth less than £1m. However, if people such as the chairman of privatised industries, pop stars and professional sporting stars have to pay a lot more tax, so be it.

Incidentally, if Tesco can afford to build a new school or whatever, maybe they could reduce prices.

