AS occasional visitors to the delightful Norbury Theatre in Droitwich, we were staggered to read such a disingenuous appraisal of the recent production of 'Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell' on your letters page last week.

We thought this was one of the best evenings spent at a theatre for some time.

Martin Bourne, who played the leading part and was on stage for the whole time, was totally convincing as the hideous but charming Bernard. His use of colourful language only served to enhance the character and the occasional whiff of smoke added to the atmosphere of the seedy pub where the action took place.

The use of anonymity to criticise the hard-working and dedicated people who run this theatre, says much about your correspondent. Perhaps Appalled of Droitwich Spa needs to get out more often. In the meantime we look forward to the next production.

Phil & Jane Baker,

Sean & Elaine Shannon
