I HAVE just received the final monies for the Bowlathon event held over the Bank Holiday weekend, in aid of my Droitwich charities - Friends of Droitwich Guides and Water Aid.

We have raised a staggering £2,023 which is made up as follows:- £1,000 in sponsorship from Allan Morris, CVS, Dolland and Aitchison, Droitwich Spa Brine Baths, Exel, Mann, Neil Grinnall Homes, Queens Fish and Chip Bar, Spa Gas, Spice Fashion and Tooles Transport.

A further £1,023 was from Droitwich Spa Bowling Club - raised from personal sponsorship and raffle prize money.

My heartfelt thanks go out to all concerned for their effort.

However, a special thank you has to go to the bowling club president, Mike Rowe, and all the club members for hosting the day and for all their hard work.

It just goes to show what can be achieved by teamwork. Well done everyone!

Ann Taft

Mayor of Droitwich Spa