IT was certainly a full house for our October meeting.

With an eager audience, Brian Draper kept us all well entertained with his slides and talk on "What Is The Upper Severn?"

We all found his talk amusing and educational. His slides were a delight.

He started by telling us that the source of the Severn was a small, dirty green pond in the Welsh mountains and from there it developed into a narrow stream, often cascading down hill sides.

It then grows wider and deeper, making great snake shapes through the countryside and eventually spilling out at Bristol.

We enjoyed Brian's great sense of humour, especially when referring to WI's.

It was a very jolly meeting, and our hall was filled with laughter. Mary Gray gave the vote of thanks.

During our business meeting, our president Jenny Marsh welcomed Ann West.

Pat Annable spoke about our day out and Mary Gray reported on the Village Hall Committee.

Christine Hawker and Gill Watson arranged the flowers for the afternoon. Diane Farmiloe won the raffle.

There were only two entries for the Autumn Collage competition so they were declared joint winners. We concluded the afternoon with tea and biscuits.