AT the October, meeting Nick Dearling gave a talk about the Alcester/Vallet Twinning Association, which has been ongoing for 30 years.

Vallet, the capital of the Musadet region, was first visited in 1977, with a return visit to Alcester the same year.

It has been an annual event ever since.

Twinning is a way of promoting and fostering friendships and family life through living with families in their homes.

Schools have been helped to take part in the exchange as has the tennis, football and rugby clubs, the British Legion and many more organisations.

The events that take place during the exchanges are numerous, ranging from dinners, barbecues, wine tasting and many more social events.

Mr Dearling is the present chairman and has been an enthusiastic member for many years.

Wendy Elmes won the raffle.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, November 2, at Alcester Methodist Church at 8pm when Fran Hale will talk on ideas for decorating boxes.