DEBATING SOCIETY: The October meeting of the society will be held in the St James's church rooms at 8pm on Saturday, October 30, when the motion will be This House believes that we need a new Mary Whitehouse. The motion will be proposed by Mr Bill Bayley, a retired science teacher, artist and community worker from Alcester, seconded by Canon Peter Birch, who is retired and lives locally. Opposing the motion is Mr John Saunders from Alcester, a judge based in Birmingham; he will be seconded by Dr Michael Sporton, the society's treasurer, a retired research scientist living in Campden.

As always, visitors are very welcome and invited to contribute from the floor and vote on the motion.

ART SOCIETY: The society held its AGM on Friday in the Upper Town Hall. This was opened by chairman Mr John Atherton, and attended by 49 members. After the official business was completed a buffet supper and drinks were provided by the committee. A raffle was drawn by the chairman and the profit was £68.

The next event will be a sale of paintings on October 30 at the same venue beginning at 10am until 5pm. Admission is free. Meetings are held every third Friday in the Upper Town Hall at 7.30pm with the next meeting on November 19, the subject Flowers in Watercolour being demonstrated by Christine Adam.

MUSIC SOCIETY: A large audience welcomed the Parisii Quartet from France to the Concert in Campden School Hall. The group, Arnaud Vallin and Jean-Michel Berrette, violins, Dominique Lobet, viola, and Jean-Philippe Martingnoni, cello, were relaxed and charming, but played a serious selection of music. The short opening piece was very un-Mozartian, the dramatic and sombre Adagio and Fugue in C Minor K546, composed originally by Mozart in 1783 for two pianos. Beethoven's String Quartet in E minor Op 59 no 2, written in 1806, was played with both strength and tenderness especially in the serene slow movement.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the enthralling final piece, Schubert's Quartet in G Major, op 161, D887, which the Parisii played with real unity and sensitivity. The performance was sponsored by Robert Welch Designs of Campden. The next concert is on Tuesday, November 16, with Yuri Kalnits, Russian violinist, and Jeremy Limb, piano. For information contact Carol Jackson on 01386 841440.