REFORMS to the Common Agricultural Policy is good news for Pershore-based Spearhead Machinery Limited.

A spin-off from the introduction of CAP was set aside which, said Martin Lole, managing director, created a demand for a robust, clean-cutting, high output mower which Spearhead produced and the 460 folding wing mower remained the most popular mower in Europe.

"The CAP has spelt success for Spearhead for over 10 years and its new reforms will make it even better for the future," Mr Lole said.

He explained that the introduction of the Single Farm Payment from July 2005 would give farmers the freedom to farm within the demands of the market while protecting the land and environment for future generations.

"With the combination of 2004 cereal prices making growing grain a loss-making activity," he said, "many more farmers are expected to take up this option next year.

"For Spearhead, the increased set-aside will mean additional demand for the 3000, 460 and 620 heavy-duty rotary mowers. With the reduced window available for hedgetrimming, more hedgecutters will be required of the contractor type, again good news for the company."

Mr Lole said the Entry Level Stewardship Scheme would reward farmers for not cropping buffer strips next to hedges and watercourses.

The Spearhead 1.6m and 2m Swipes would be ideal for maintaining the strips at low cost, while the new 2.5 and 2.8m XHD flail mowers would do a superb job with the lowest running cost.

"The Spearhead range has always been focussed on environmentally friendly practices and governments across Europe are increasingly rewarding those who will manage their land in these ways," Mr Lole said. "CAP, SFP and ELS spell growing success for Spearhead and its dealers."