Worcester's Rangers are on the look out for youngsters who want to test their "spook-ability".

Along with the Duckworth Worcestershire Trust, they want children aged seven to 13 to head down to Chapter Meadows tomorrow evening for a ghostly tale of horror and mayhem which will unravel on the mist-laden meadows.

Chief ranger, Warwick Neale, has warned those who attend to be afraid.

"We have 30 places for children who aren't scared of the supernatural and are keen to summon-up the ghosties, the ghoulies and the kind of spirits that rattle your windows and make you jump when you think you are safely tucked-up in bed," he said.

"Parents can come as well if they think they are brave enough."

The night is free but pre-booking is essential.

The event begins at 7pm.

To book a place contact the Pump House Environment Centre on 01905 23267.