The produce and handicraft show took part during the day of October 6, and was followed by the annual meeting in the evening.

Coming events announced included Aston Hall by candlelight on December 10 and the annual dinner on January 29l.

The new committee members are: Barbara Evans, Judy Fitzpatrick, Teresa Forgiel-Jenkins, Christine Hickman-Smith, Barbara Maskell, Maureen McCallum, Rosabel Needham, Sue Quibell, Rosemary Reynolds, Marion Richards and Bridget Smalley.

The election of Mrs Maskell as president was presided over by WIA Janice Jones.

Winners in the produce and handicraft show were: culinary section - Mrs Hickman-Smith, produce (and overall winner) - Joyce Rowthorn, Craft - Helen Winsper.

The show was organised by Jean Andrews and Mrs Rowthorn.

The next meeting will be at Chaddesley Corbett village hall on November 3, starting at 7.30pm.