At the annual meeting, the voting for president was conducted by Marjorie Whiting WIA. Margaret Lillis agreed to stand for next year.

Reports were given on the last year's meetings, and finances, by Eileen Jones and Sue Garrett respectively, and Mrs Lillis gave the president's report.

Names were taken for the outing to Bath Christmas markets, and lifts were arranged for the group meeting at Foley Park.

Mrs Jones asked for more people to join in the skittles matches.

Items will be needed for the bazaar in November.

Sue Murkett presented a gift to Mrs Whiting.

On November 2, Dr Bob Bibby will talk about "Grey paes and bacon", and the competition will be for an old kitchen item.

Meetings at Franche church hall are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm and visitors are welcome.