The Kidderminster branch's September meeting welcomed Rosemary Winnall, who helped build up the education centre within Wyre Forest Discovery Centre.

She gave a resume of her three-year intensive study of the territorial green, great spotted and lesser spotted woodpeckers of Rock Coppice.

On a walk from Dry Mill Lane car park along Dowles Brook and back along the old railway line on a mild late September Sunday morning, 20 bird species were identified, including a kingfisher and two of the three woodpecker species.

The next branch indoor meeting will be on Wednesday at St Oswald's Church Centre, Kidderminster, commencing at 7.30pm, when Graham Harrison will present an illustrated talk on "Sane Scilly". Non-members will be welcome. There will be a small admission charge.

On Sunday, October 31, the field meeting is by minibus to Eyebrook Reservoir and Rutland Water, leaving Broadwaters Car park, Kidderminster, at 8.30am.

For further information telephone 01562 67748.