THE horrors of life behind the Iron Curtain will be revealed to a group of Worcester churchgoers.

Thirty church members from around Worcester will make an 18-hour coach trip to Magdeburg, two hours from Berlin, on Sunday, as part of a yearly exchange programme.

The link between the Diocese of Worcester and its German counterpart is now eight years old.

Last year, worshippers from Magdeburg came to the Faithful City, and this year, members make a return visit.

On the last visit to East Germany in 2002, Jean Kennedy, of St Barnabas' Church, Green Lane, Rainbow Hill, recalls being shown the horrors of the Stasi - the former East German secret police.

"It is an emotionally exhausting trip - we shared some of the horrors of former years with our hosts. We were shown the cells where suspects were tortured, and the watch towers along the Berlin Wall," Ms Kennedy said.