ON Sunday, the harvest festival service took place in St Mary's Church and was followed by a harvest supper in the village hall. The church choir led the singing in the well-attended service. The church had been beautifully decorated with floral arrangements and fruit displays arranged by some very talented local people.

Alex Thompson sang two solo items in preparation for the Chorister of the Year final on October 30. His delivery of the anthem, Ex Ore Innocentium, was particularly well-received by an appreciative congregation.

There was a very relevant sermon on the imbalance of food distribution in today's world and prayers thanked God for his greatness in the miracles of nature. The harvest supper in the village hall was a very happy social evening enjoyed by all. It was wonderful to see more than 70 people both in church and at the supper.

On Tuesday, Longdon St Mary's Primary School held its annual harvest festival service in St Mary's Church, again packed with families and friends. The children led the service, well supported by the school orchestra and choir, with Mr Allen on piano.

The local youth group known as Outer Limits will meet tomorrow (Saturday) at 7pm in Longdon vicarage. The senior choir will rehearse on Monday at 7pm in church. On Wednesday, Mr C Bund will be talking on Victorian Tewkesbury to the Longdon Churchwomen's Fellowship in the village hall. New members and visitors are always welcome.