A big cheer went up when the bell was rung for the last time at Cradley CE Primary School.

Pupils and staff said goodbye to the 150-year-old building as they prepared to move to a new £1.5 million school near the Buryfields estate.

Hugh Wagstaffe, chairman of the governors, rang the bell at 3pm on Wednesday as pupils gathered in the playground to wave balloons and flags showing the shell-shaped school crest.

Teacher Sheila Davies who has taught Class 1 in the same room for 22 years said: "I'm looking forward to a new beginning."

The longest serving member of staff, caretaker and cleaner-in-charge Ann Howe, who has been there for 27 years, will also be moving to the new school.

A total of £300 was raised towards the new building at a sale on Monday of Class 5's solid oak lift-top desks.