CHILDREN in one of England's most deprived areas have been urged to use their community centre.

Dena Cook, chairman of the management committee of Warndon Community Centre, Worcester, said there was no need for children to roam the streets.

She spoke after an article in the Evening News yesterday revealed the area east of Cranham Drive had been ranked within the top four per cent of deprived areas nationally.

Residents bemoaned an increasing drugs culture and said more needed to be done for the youth.

Mrs Cook, who is also co-ordinator for the play schemes at the centre in Shap Drive, said: "We have plenty here for youngsters to do.

"Especially now, during half-term, there is loads of things for the kids.

"There really is no reason for children to be roaming the streets.

"They should come down here and take a look."

Activities at the centre include arts and crafts, video games, pool, mother and toddler groups and various sports.