LITTLE ones did the walk of life in a sponsored toddle waddle for the Meningitis Trust.

Twenty toddlers, babies and parents from the nursery of Whitford Hall and Dodderhill School took part in the fundraiser last Thursday.

Everyone had to follow the leader, deputy nursery manager Suzanne Lewis, who dressed up as Big Bird.

Nursery manager, Jacky Hiorns said: "Meningitis is such an emotive issue for parents of young children that we are delighted to be taking part in this national fundraising event.

"We hope to raise more than £250. We would like to our parents and their friends for pledging generously."

Older pupils at the Crutch Lane school have also been exhibiting their artwork at Droitwich Spa Library.

The display is now in it's third week and staff at the Victoria Square library say it has proved very popular.