AN innovative new club being set up for people with leg problems in Evesham will be the first of its kind in the Midlands.

The Evesham Leg Club, to be launched by district nurse Jo Dodd, will open its doors to anyone suffering from problems ranging from ulcers to bad circulation and varicose veins one afternoon a week from Monday, November 1.

Jo, who is basing the clubs on the Lindsay Leg Club model designed by former district nurse Ellie Lindsay, said the idea behind the drop-in clinics was to provide social and psychological support to patients in an informal environment.

"The club will be more of a social gathering where people with leg ulcers or other leg problems can have their condition assessed and treatment given while having a cup of tea and a piece of cake and a chat," she said.

"There will be six specially trained nurses who will be able to assess problems and refer people for different treatment if it is necessary."

The Leg Club will be held in Evesham Methodist Church Hall, Bridge Street, between 1pm and 4.30pm every Monday.

Anyone with a leg problem, who is registered with a GP in Evesham, is welcome to attend.

For information, or to volunteer to help out, call Jo Dodd on 01386 502313.