THE letter from Rodney Hale (You Say, Monday, October 25) Chairman of the British Brown Hare Preservation Society is a mass of confusion.

According to Mr Hale, anyone would think that hunting and coursing were responsible for almost wiping out the hare.

Even the most vociferous anti-hunting organisations have never claimed this.

Having checked the BBHPS web site I see they are calling for a closed season for hare shooting to avoid the risk of leverets being left to starve.

Hare hunting and coursing already have a closed season so demanding a hunting ban makes no sense.

Mr Hale claims the fox is no danger to the healthy hare but fails to mention the vulnerable leveret born above ground, a meal in waiting for the passing fox.

A fox hunting ban would do the hare no favours. The BBHPS states that shooting can reduce the hare population by 40 per cent but they have a remarkable ability to recover their numbers.

As hare coursing and hunting might only account for about one tenth of one per cent, Mr Hale's attack is extremely unjust.

Instead of looking for confrontation, groups like the BBHPS should be working with the National Coursing Club and the Masters of Hare Hounds Association.

These two organisations have a great practical knowledge of hare conservation. Anyone attempting to ban them is no friend of the hare.

