WHEN motorcycle enthusiast Peter Milnes died, his family decided they wanted a different type of funeral to mark his life.

So instead of the normal cortege, he was taken from his home in Stainburn Close, in St John's, to Worcester Crematorium in a motorcycle hearse and sidecar yesterday afternoon.

Mr Milnes' son Colin said they wanted him to have a unique funeral that would sum up his life.

"He loved motorbikes," said Colin, "so when he passed away, we decided this type of funeral would be most fitting," said Colin.

"He used to have bikes and was interested in them all his life, so we thought this would be a lovely and unusual way to commemorate his life.

Mr Milnes, who had two children and three grandchildren, aged 10, 15 and 16, died aged 66.

"I'm sure a lot of people saw the hearse go by through the city yesterday and would want to know what was going on," said Colin.

"He was a man who had infinite love and he was very well-loved himself."