GENEROUS shoppers and readers have made Christmas a little brighter for children across Wyre Forest by backing the annual Christmas Tree Appeal.

More than 500 gifts, estimated to be worth over £4,000, were donated to the scheme run by the Shuttle/Times & News, family support group Home-Start and Kidderminster's Swan shopping centre.

Shoppers and readers collected tags bearing the name and age of a child and then bought a suitable gift.

The appeal has been running for 10 years and presents worth nearly £40,000 have been donated in that time.

Shuttle/Times and News editor, Clive Joyce, said: "Christmas is traditionally the time for giving, but the generosity of Wyre Forest folk always amazes us.

"In just four weeks we gathered in hundreds of gifts - some from groups, but mostly from individuals who like to think of others at this special time.

"One person amazed us when she came along with 38 gifts for children of all ages."

He added: "We could not achieve all this without the fantastic support of the management and staff of the Swan Centre.

"They are so busy in the run-up to Christmas, but they put a huge amount of effort into this appeal and we are truly grateful."

Jane Jarman, manager of Home-Start Wyre Forest, said: "The gifts are going to make Christmas a little extra special for children throughout the district.

"We are overwhelmed by the generosity of people who have shown the true spirit of Christmas."

Home-Start works right across Wyre Forest, offering support, friendship and practical help to families with young children and its carefully trained volunteers give emotional and practical help to any parent with at least one child under the age of five.

By visiting families in their own homes, Home-Start volunteers represent a lifeline for many people.

More information on Home-Start can be obtained from Jane Jarman on 01562 825896.