LEUKAEMIA sufferer Peter Harris is looking forward to Christmas after all.

The 61-year-old looked set for a very grim Yuletide a few weeks ago but thanks to the intervention of the Journal things are looking up.

Peter, who lives in Ragley Road, Harvington, had been unable to claim any benefit since falling sick and having to stop work last May.

But after his plight was highlighted and the Journal contacted the Department of Works and Pensions, the problem was resolved.

Peter has now started to receive Incapacity Benefit and has also been advised to apply for Disability Living Allowance.

"I was at my wits end trying to sort things out but thanks to the Journal things are looking better. It is the best Christmas present I could have had," said Peter.

He said the breakthrough had given him a boost and enabled him to look to the future with more hope.

"I had been planning to sell my car but now I have decided to keep it and try to get out and about in the New Year.

"In the last couple of weeks, I have been able to get to the Post Office in the village which is not much but represents progress."

Peter has also been able to get a Christmas tree and decorate his house.

He and his wife Stella, 61, are looking forward to having family with them for Christmas dinner.

"Things were very bleak and I did not where to turn but now there is more hope and we can have a decent Christmas after all."