Worcester City Council's leader Stephen Inman is reported as saying that there is much misunderstanding on bus passes.

However, the misunderstanding was also among the very Cabinet members who voted the 50 per cent increase on the bus pass and 200 per cent increase on the bus fares, since Worcester City Council itself did not know what was classed as a short or long journey.

It took the initiative and a phone call by Bill Roberts, one of our now retired members of Worcester City Forum for Older People, to First Bus Company in Birmingham to get this information.

This was then passed on to Worcester City Council Deputy Leader Simon Geraghty, who promised to relay this information to those queuing for bus passes.

There is no misunderstanding in the actions of Worcester City Council on the issue, or regarding reports that now they are proposing to close existing public toilets - yet another facility important to the elderly.

BRIAN HUNT, Worcester.

n REMEMBER the Boomerang Bus Co? Then we had a bus service - but First couldn't get enough buses on the road until they drove them away and gained the monopoly. Our council did nothing but let it happen.

Now they have the monopoly, they dictate every aspect of our local service without any respect for local needs.

Still our council does nothing, except for the lone voice of Councillor Mike Layland.

But what do you expect from a predominantly Tory council?

Park-and-ride is a total disaster in which £250,000 a year of local taxpayers' money is given to boost the already £62.1m profit for the First bus group.

Now they are talking about another seven park-and-rides - at who's expense?

