(Available on XBOX, PS2, GC)

SPHINX took on a big challenge last week, as it released on the same day as the big Final Fantasy X-2 but, to everyone's surprise, Sphinx held its own.

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy is set in Egypt - no surprises there - and with two playable characters the game is given a lot of range.

The first character, Sphinx, is your typical young god on a quest to set things right in the world and destroy all of the badness. However, your second character, The Mummy, plays an entirely different role altogether.

Instead of ploughing your way through a level killing baddies etc, when playing as The Mummy you have to torture yourself using either electricity or fire. This aids Sphinx through many parts of the level that he would otherwise not be able to reach.

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy plays extremely well. Unlike most platformers, the puzzles are unique and range from quite easy to the more complex as you progress through the game.

The levels are huge yet hold your attention by using two different playable characters.

As with a lot of platform games, the camera angles either make or break the playability. However, Sphinx plays well, and the camera is so smooth, that there's nothing to complain about here.

Overall, if you liked games such as Buff: Chaos Bleeds, Harry Potter, or even 007 Nightfire, then I definitely recommend giving Sphinx a go. It won't disappoint.

RATING 9/10.

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6 Tony Hawks Underground.

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8 Grand Theft Auto + GTA Vice City.

9 True Crime Streets of LA.

10 Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne.


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