TWO outline planning applications will be considered for a development on Bidford's Friday Furlong site which has long been home to the travelling community.

Applicants Cranbrook Homes and George Wimpey have submitted the applications to Stratford District Council

The two applications are for a mixed development consisting of homes, a nursing home, a public open space and associated road accesses.

The first application is also for business use.

The west area planning committee was due to meet on Thursday, December 16 to discuss the applications, but the meeting was cancelled because not enough councillors on the committee were able to attend.

The applications are now due to come before Stratford District Council's west area planning committee Bidford Primary School on Thursday, January 27 at 6pm.

County councillor Peter Barnes said he pushed for the nursing home, which will have around 30 beds, to ease pressure on local hospitals who suffer bed-blocking.

He said: "It will mean that the people of Bidford don't have to go to Warwick or Cheltenham to see their relatives."