REDMARLEY Parish Council has received a copy of the new plans for the proposed play area adjacent to the tennis courts and the matter will be discussed at the next meeting of the parish council. A copy of the plan will be displayed on the notice boards at the school, post office and Lowbands.

The date for the exhibition and consultation meeting regarding the houses in Hyde Park Corner was too late for any publicity, which was unfortunate, but the Forest of Dean Housing Association was pleased with the number of people that did attend and found it a very useful exercise, although it may be some time before building commences.

Reports given at the annual general meeting of Redmarley WI by the president, secretary and treasurer showed what an enjoyable and informative year they had. Moira Hunt remains chairman, Beryl Cullimore secretary and Sylvia Hale treasurer with committee members June Fairburn, Mary Humphreys and Sylvia Parker. Speaker Nancy Bennion gave an amusing and interesting talk on her experience as a store detective.

The 60th birthday dinner held in the village hall, which was seasonally decorated, had 36 members and guests who were welcomed with sherry and canaps. Before dinner commenced, the president presented Mary Estop with a gift in recognition of her contribution to the WI. Mary has now left the village after many years. On behalf of the WI, a gavel was received by the president, given by Dorothy Cornell, in memory of her husband Peter.