August 27, 1904

JOSEPH Goode, gardener, in custody, was charged with being drunk in Evesham Street, Redditch, August 22.

Police Constable Lee stated at 11.15pm he saw prisoner drunk and staggering along the street.

The gardener fell into the officer's arms and as he then refused to tell him where he lived, he was locked up.

The prisoner said: "I fell into his arms? Well bless my life and soul! He's wrong there.

"I could come up on my oath now and say all I had was stone beer from eight o'clock."

The chairman suggested that if the prisoner were removed to the cells for 24 hours, he would then be properly sober.

He was accordingly removed and bought back the next day.

He was fined 5s and 4s costs or in default, seven days. The money was paid.