STEPHEN Wicks and Mark Welford retired as principal dancers with the Royal Ballet 10 years ago, and opened a very successful flower business in Covent Garden.

This entertaining roadshow allows their love of theatrical artistic expression to continue to a different audience.

They produced some stunning displays and amused the lively Bewdley audience with asides and interesting gossip from their many years within international ballet, but with fewer tales than I would have liked.

They work well together with their precise discipline and experience of their background shining through, from their choice of music to the precision of the arrangements, the larger of which could easily have adorned a stage set.

A "generation game" involving three ladies from the audience to produce a hand-tied bunch, deftly showed that it is difficult to reproduce Stephen and Mark's professional standard, even with identical blooms and foliage.

Their successful sale of videos in the interval showed that Bewdley ladies - and a few men - were wowed by their latest performance.