DIRECTOR Peter Mimmack stated he wished to create a "fresh, visual, psychological, theatrical and dynamic perspective" with his version of this popular Shakespeare play.

And he certainly achieved his aim in a thoroughly enjoyable version of the play that was packed with psychological drama.

The audience could feel Macbeth's anguish over the killings and the cleverly staged supernatural effects helped to show his growing madness. I particularly liked the ghost of Banquo which was an extremely powerful and scary scene.

Lloyd Morris as Banquo, and later the doctor, had good stage presence and, like all of the cast, was perfectly audible even over the noise of cars driving nearby.

Kidderminster actress Claire Worboys as Lady Macbeth brought the passionate relationship between her and her husband to life. I have never seen such a saucy interpretation of his "serpent"!

Claire also excelled in her second role as the Three Witches where clever use of sound made her appear terrifyingly loud and all-encompassing.

Macbeth was the star of the show and I have never before shared his agony so much. I almost wanted to go up on the stage and give him a hug.

I think the many children in the audience enjoyed the drunken scene while the banquet was a joy to watch thanks to the clever asides from Stuart Davenport in his third role as the holy man. He also played a superb Duncan who reminded me very much of Tony Blair.

Andy Cresswell as Macduff played the goodie superbly, especially his anguish after hearing his wife and children were dead. He also changed guise, and mind-set, to play one of Macbeth's vicious murderers.

Maggie Grace switched sexes, as in all great Shakespeare works, to play Malcolm but I particularly enjoyed her role, short-lived as it was, as Lady Macduff. I could really share her pain at the loss of her unborn child's life and thought she brought the poetry of the role to life.

This is James Webster's first summer with Heartbreak Productions and I feel he is a star in the making. As Ross, he was very much the voice of reason in a world of madness.

Luckily, the weather stayed fine and it couldn't have made for a more pleasant way to spend a Sunday evening.

Heartbreak Productions are touring nationwide with their productions of Macbeth and The Comedy of Errors. Log onto the website for further details AG