As no minutes were taken, or read, at the Christmas party meeting, there were none to be read in January, which speeded up the business meeting considerably.

Joan English reported a forthcoming trip with Brian Draper, in May, to Ross on Wye, Chepstow, Monmouth and the Forest of Dean. Brian's trips are always well supported and enjoyed, this should be no exception. The winter luncheon is now finalised, at the Bridges Restaurant, at Hindlip, on January 26, leaving by coach at 12.30pm from the car park in School Drive. This will be a carvery lunch followed by entertainment until mid-afternoon. The chairman reminded the ladies that the AGM will take place in March, and that a new committee will be nominated at the February meeting. Most of the committee members are willing to remain in situ, but a new secretary will have to be found.

The speaker, Nicholas Clark, was introduced to the members, and he gave a wonderful talk about a holiday in India, with the help of lots of slides. The audience were spellbound and gave him a very enthusiastic vote of thanks. The meeting ended after coffee had been served at 9.30pm.