YOUNG people with an interest in wildlife are being invited to join the Arrow Valley WATCH Club.

As part of the Worcestershire Wildlife Trust the club aims to let children from the borough find out more about the environment in a fun and exciting way.

The club meets for two hours each month and activities include nature walks, craftwork using natural materials, wildlife quizzes and games.

Activities scheduled for the near future include nest box building and a songbird identification walk.

Nick Martin, duty manager of Arrow Valley Countryside Centre and WATCH club leader said: "Wildlife is so exciting and many kids are fascinated by it.

"Our group aims to allow them the opportunities to find out more about this fantastic area while having a lot of fun. The activities on offer each month are really hands-on and let them get involved.

"But we hope it doesn't stop there and that WATCH members are encouraged to look for wildlife in their gardens, school grounds and on holiday."

The group meets at the Arrow Valley Countryside Centre, Battens Drive, Moons Moat, from 6pm to 8pm on the third Thursday of every month. Each session costs £1.

Sessions are aimed at 8-12 year olds but younger children are welcome to come along with their parents.

For more details, or to order a programme, ring the centre on 464000, email or attend on the day.

The next meeting is tomorrow evening when the group will be looking ahead at the wildlife calendar and making diaries to keep and update through the seasons.