I WISH to comment on the article in the Shuttle/Times and News (January 13) on storeholders of Kiddermin-ster's Rowland Hill Centre complaining of the inadequate toilet facilities.

The condition of these toilets is disgusting and I prefer to use those in the Swan Centre, which are cleaned daily.

The Rowland Hill ones would benefit from a regular attendant. Perhaps if a lock was supplied with a key to one of these toilets for the stallholders' sole use, it might help solve the problem.

Years ago my grandma, Mrs Styles, was the regular attendant at the Bridge Street toilets. If anyone remembers her, she was meticulous. These toilets used a penny-in-the-slot to gain access.

Mrs Styles put the penny in and went in first to clean and wipe the seat before the toilet was used. She mopped up any mess on the floor.

The establishment was white tiled, regularly cleaned by her and there was a washroom at the back where people could clean up afterwards.

And then the council demolished them. Why?

Progress, of course. Billboards and lattice fencing appeared on the site.


Pineridge Drive, Kidderminster