TO those people so keen to jump to the defence of the BBC's showing of Jerry Springer - The Opera and who have openly severely criticised our MP, Peter Luff, for his condemnation of the broadcasting of this so-called "entertainment", I would like to make a few points.

Extremist subject "entertainment" containing foul language and defamatory, offensive acts is not the only thing we, as paying viewers, have to worry about regarding the BBC.

Parents, of young children in particular, should be aware of the utter filth that is currently freely available on their so-called "children's" CCBC website.

On Dick & Dom, for instance, there are two games in particular, which are both highly offensive and disgusting in content.

These were brought to my attention by two six-year-olds.

The first example, is a game called "Toilet - bunged up" which involves graphically illustrated faeces being flushed down a toilet, with one of the presenters stuck at the bottom of the sewage pipe.

The second "game" is called "Make Dick Sick" and involves aiming and catapulting selected food at the presenter until so much is in his mouth that he vomits. If the child misses, the food explodes on the presenter's face, head or clothes.

The BBC used to have standards. Now it seems that anything goes and anyone who has the guts to stand up and point out the blindingly obvious, is labelled either a prude, fuddy-duddy, or accused of interfering with public "freedom of expression".