WE are finally to have something done about the old Northwick cinema. Unfortunately, it will be lost forever as an entertainment venue. The car park will disappear under a new block of flats.

What a pity that the planning dept and our council planning committee did not try to retain the whole car park for the re-vamped cinema, which would still leave an option for future use of the building, entertainment or anything that might need a car park.

Even so, the council planning committee agreed to the building of a three-storey block of flats, irrespective that all this area is only two-storey.

These same people on the committee had quite recently refused a planning application for a three-storey block of flats (in this same area), because it was out of keeping with the two-storey houses in that vicinity.

We were not even informed that this committee was going to debate the issue.

And isn't it annoying what a carrot dangled in front of you (in this case the Northwick Cinema) can do. Especially to the voting arm.

