A "WILDLY funny" play by Alan Bennett, The Lady in the Van, starring Susan Hampshire, arrives at Malvern's Festival Theatre from Monday.

The hilarious drama has enjoyed huge critical and public acclaim during its West End run and concerns the eccentric Miss Shepherd, a trained concert pianist, ex-nun and would-be Prime Minister.

A spokesman explains: "When a decrepit Bedford Van grinds to a halt opposite Alan Bennett's house in Campden Town, little does the writer suspect that its next parking place will be his own garden, where its evil smelling occupant is to remain for a further 15 years.

"Forced to turn down his music to her complaints, recharge her van's flat battery and become her reluctant carer, Alan Bennett uses his vivid observations to create the play."

One of Britain's best loved actresses, Susan Hampshire is well known for her glamorous roles in The Forsyte Saga, The First Churchills and most recently in the BBC series Monarch of the Glen. In this production, however, as Miss Shepherd she plays the part of a "bigoted, blinkered, cantankerous, devious, self-centred, rank rude, car-mad cow."

The Lady in the Van plays from Monday until Saturday, February 5, at 8pm with Wednesday and Saturday matinees at 2.30pm. Tickets, priced £18-£26 are available from the box office on 01684 892277 or online at www.malvern-theatres.co.uk.