A NEW educational campaign to help drivers of light goods vehicles identify their speed limits has been launched by the Safety Camera Partnership in West Mercia.

LGVs, like heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), are subject to lower speed limits than cars because they have longer stopping distances and additional weight and momentum.

The Partnership believes it is particularly important that drivers stick to these limits because of the scale of damage their vehicles can cause if something goes wrong.

The campaign, which has been developed in conjunction with seven other Safety Camera Partnerships in the Midlands, uses leaflets to inform drivers of the speed limit for their vehicle type, and to explain why these lower limits are in place.

There are also stickers for both the dashboard, to remind drivers of the limits, and for the rear of the vehicle, to ensure drivers following these vehicles are aware of the restrictions.

This information will be sent out to local van hire, sales and delivery companies.


"Some drivers of goods vehicles are under the misapprehension that safety cameras can only detect cars and motorbikes exceeding the speed limit," said Heather Mead, communications manager for the West Mercia Partnership.

"The reality is that both fixed and mobile cameras can and are used to detect larger vehicles when they exceed the limit for their vehicle type.

"Other drivers are simply unaware that these lower limits even exist.

"We are doing all that we can to encourage drivers to keep within the limits, not just because of the camera, but because sticking to the limit saves lives. If this campaign helps to prevent just one collision then it will all have been worthwhile."

Anyone requiring leaflets and stickers should log on to www. speedaware.org.uk or write to The Communications Manager, Safety Camera Partnership in West Mercia, PO Box 446, Worcester WR2 4YR.