THE committed work of two Studley carers has been recognised by Warwickshire County Council.

Penny Cauwell and Christine Franklin have between them provided 56 years of service at Four Acres Home for Elderly People in Archer Close.

They were both presented with £100 and a certificate at Shire Hall in Warwick last week.

Mrs Cauwell, who has worked at the home for 29 years, said: "It's just nice to be recognised.

"We have both worked here more than half our lives and this is the first time the county council has done anything like this, so it's very nice."

Mrs Cauwell added: "We've both done all sorts of jobs here over the years and enjoy the work tremendously."

Studley County Councillor Helen McCarthy praised their work and said the awards were richly deserved.

Christine Franklin, with 27 years' service, and resident Frances Steggles.