FRESH faces at Alvechurch Parish Council are hoping to take people's concerns on board and bring the community together.

Di Farlow and Rehan Ul-Haq are the latest recruits to the parish council.

Mrs Farlow, who was born and bred in the village, has always been involved in the voluntary sector and is thrilled to be a councillor in a village that is "very precious" to her.

The mother-of-two, a guider in the village's Rainbow Guides movement, works part-time in after-school care clubs at both Rowney Green pre-school and Alvechurch Middle School, in addition to helping out at the village WI.

She said: "I think my involvement with all ages means I can be a true representative for the whole community."

Mrs Farlow added: "I'm a familiar face around the village so hopefully people feel they can relate to me and as a parish councillor, I can take their concerns on board."

Dr Rehan Ul-Haq, a lecturer at Birmingham University, moved to Alvechurch eight years ago and has worked with villagers to produce popular musical festival Mindfire.

He said he wanted to extend the scope of Mindfire to "bring the community together", working closely with schools, police and other organisations.

Dr Ul-Haq said: "I'm excited about getting the chance to put something back into the community and help people in the village and I feel it's important to build a strong community for people of all ages.

"I'm aware that as parish councillors we're limited by what is in our power and budget but I will always do my best to help and answer any query addressed to me."