YOUNG people will be given the chance to have their say on the issues which affect them in a series of interactive meetings.

"Youthink" will be touring Redditch offering young people the opportunity to air their views to key figures in the decision-making process.

The scheme is a joint venture between Worcestershire County Council's Youth Service and Redditch Council.

It is part of a rolling programme of youth consultation events carried out by the Youth Service, where young people are asked for their views on a whole range of subjects, including health, family, friendships, schools and safety.

The Youth Service's e-voting equipment will also be used so young people can vote and see their answers displayed directly on screen.

The Redditch events will kick off at Ipsley Middle School, where Year 8 pupils will take part. It will also involve the chairman of the Youth Strategy Group, Councillor Betty Passingham, Colin Beardwood, Tom Wareing, David Hunt, Redditch mayor Jack Cookson and Juliet Brunner.

Youthink will use online voting and electronic voting to allow all young people in Redditch the chance to have their voices heard.

Other schools and young people's organisations taking part include Redditch Youth House, NEW College, Trinity High School, Kingsley College, Leys Youth Centre and Redditch YMCA.