IF you've made a New Year's resolution this year, it's likely to be either ' get fit', or 'give some time to a worthy cause'. If you'd like to do both at once, then I've got the perfect answer - Butlins Swimathon 2005.

As a keen swimmer myself I've found that this form of exercise is a great way to tone up and get in shape. Just a few lengths can give you a brilliant aerobic workout. This charity event supporting NCH, the children's charity, is a fun way to do something that's personally challenging while helping others at the same time.

Last year, 25,000 people of all abilities took part in the 18th Swimathon - sponsored for the second time by Butlins - and raised £1.7m charity - including a swim in Bromsgrove.

This year with your help, we can beat that total for NCH and set a new world record for the largest fundraising swim.

Throughout the UK, more than 140,000 vulnerable children, young people and their families are supported by NCH every year.

By taking part in Butlins Swimathon 2005 you'll be helping NCH run its network of 500 local centres that provide children's services, including care for disabled children, fostering and adoption, support for vulnerable families and support for young carers.

Butlins Swimathon, headed up by Olympic Gold medallist Duncan Goodhew, is taking place at 500 pools across the UK between March 19 and 27.

You can find out more about this unique event by visiting the website at www.swimathon.org phoning the hotline on 0845 36 700 36 or by picking up an entry form from your local participating pool.

Go on - kick start your year and turn your miles into smiles and join your local Swimathon.

Sally Lindsay

(Shelley Unwin in Coronation Street)

l Bromsgrove's Dolphin Centre in School Drive, will once again host a swim to support the event, as will Greens Health and Fitness in Ashbrook Drive on Rubery Great Park.

Other pools in Worcestershire taking part include - Stourport Sports Centre; Worcester Swimming Pool, Sansome Walk, Worcester; Halesowen Leisure Centre, Pool Road, Halesowen.

And there will also be a swim at Northfield Pool and Fitness Centre, Bristol Rd South, Northfield, Birmingham.