BARNT Green Spartak manager GJ Singh has demanded a Leamington FC fansite post an apology after a furious war of words erupted after Saturday's Midlands Combination clash.

Singh has demanded the Warwickshire club apologise for a match report which he felt 'disrespected' Spartak.

Singh claims the match report, which has now been removed from, desbribed Spartak chairman Avtar Singh as a Harry Enfield type character.

The manager said: "They have disrespected us and it's out of order.

"They have personally attacked several members of the club.

"I have asked for an apology as what they were doing was not on."

The row originally started after October 2004's home clash, when Leamington's supporters were offended by Spartak's no-holds-barred Hard Talk section in the programme.

Singh said: "That article was tongue in cheek, but once we realised we had upset the fans we issued an apology.

"We're not in the business of disrespecting other clubs and are big enough to say sorry."

Midfielder Mohammed Majid is also set to write a letter of complaint to the FA and Midland Combination after he was abused by Leamington fans.

Singh said: " A section of fans behind the goal found the need to abuse our one and only Muslim player, Mohammed Majid, about his beard.

"Now that's damn right disrespectful."