I AM writing to ask your readers to join me and support a very special event to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Britain's Biggest Breakfast is taking place for the seventh time on March 4, 2005 and we are aiming to raise a massive £400,000 this year. But we can't do this without your help.

ll you need to do is invite friends, family or colleagues along to a breakfast party. If you are not an early riser, there's no need to worry as parties can be held at any time throughout the day. By asking each of your guests for a donation for Cancer Research UK, you'll be making a fantastic contribution to the fundraising effort.

This is a really fun event and something I will be taking part in this year with friends and family. Cancer touches so many people's lives, and holding a breakfast party is a terrific way of raising funds for the charity, while having a great time.

So, make a date now and sign up for Britain's Biggest Breakfast. Visit www.cancerresearchuk.org/breakfast to register and receive some handy fundraising tips to help make your party go with a swing. You can also call the hotline on 08701 60 20 40.

Ken Hom

on behalf of Cancer Research UK