THERE was great news for angling: at a recent meeting when I gained a public assurance from Fisheries Minister, Ben Bradshaw, that angling will be exempt from the forthcoming Animal Welfare Bill.

The Countryside Alliance had previously expressed concern that under the Draft Animal Welfare Bill, published last year, angling could inadvertently be affected.

These concerns were echoed by DEFRA Secretary of State Margaret Beckett and were accepted by the cross-party EFRA Committee in its recent report on the draft Bill.

The Alliance welcomes Mr Bradshaw's public assurance that angling will be safe under Labour. Whilst we had been given vague assurances previously, this will put many anglers' minds at ease.

There was a feeling of unrest and disquiet about the knock on effects of the Bill on our sport, so to have the minister so adamant and publicly committed to angling and angling practices is very reassuring.

That angling will be exempted from this legislation will ensure that the £3bn pound industry can enjoy a very bright future indeed.

Charles Jardine


Countryside Alliance -

Campaign for Angling