THE magnificent response to the tsunami appeal demonstrates a wonderful

willingness among ordinary people throughout the country, and not least in

Droitwich, to dig into their pockets to help those in distress elsewhere in the world.

But it is not only the victims of natural disasters who deserve our compassion and need our help.

Poverty in many parts of the world, and especially in Africa, is so dreadful that over 30,000 people are dying prematurely every single day. Most are children.

Politicians of all the main parties are beginning to recognise that, as one of the richest nations in the world, we have a moral responsibility to do something about this terrible state of affairs.

But it is not just a moral obligation; in the long run we all benefit economically from the increased trade that will follow if the poorest nations are lifted out of poverty.

We shall be able to sell our expertise and advanced products to them, and they will be able to sell us their products.

Make Poverty History is a campaign led by a partnership of all the leading overseas development charities.

If you would like to find out more about this campaign, please contact the Oxfam Activist Support Team on 01865 313123.

David Terry

Alexander Avenue

Droitwich Spa