CORRESPONDENT Bill Davison is very plausible (Letters, Wednesday, January 19) but what is this "St John's Community" to which he refers if not an unelected pressure group?

He can hardly be referring to the Parish of St John's which is only a very minor part of the catchment area for Christopher Whitehead School and comprises but a minority of the ratepayers who contributed to the purchase of the site.

The constantly recurring suggestion that this community has some sort of proprietory rights and that other taxpayers are unaffected is complete nonsense.

If the site is no longer adequate, then it is in everyone's best interests to relocate and dispose of it to the highest bidder. As I understand it, disrepair is only part of the problem.

Space is a very important factor, so what is the point in the compulsory purchasing of the land for other purposes that would be desperately needed for recreational space in any revamped school on the same spot?

The elected education authority is the Worcestershire County Council and if its judgements are successfully challenged by unelected protestors then it seems to me there is little alternative than to seek independent professional advice.

