KIND-hearted fundraisers show no signs of slowing their efforts for the survivors of the Indian Ocean tsunami.

Generous elderly folk from sheltered housing in Sidemoor raised more than £1,000 for the tsunami appeal.

The fundraising night at Crabtree Court included a tombola and a raffle, with prizes donated by Dunn's butchers, the Nailer's Arms at Bournheath and Sandie Hairdressers.

Family, friends, tenants and staff all took part.

Thoughtful youngsters Milly Hayward, aged nine, and Abigail Davies, 10, both from Bromsgrove Pre-preparatory School, managed to raise £2,000 after completing a sponsored swim and running a cake sale.

A youth football team from Rubery donated £100 from their own coffers to the tsunami appeal. The under 14 Waseley Rangers were so moved by the story of the tsunami survivors, they decided to stump up the money, which had come from their weekly subs.

Nigel Brindley, for the Central Warwickshire League team, said: "Thirteen-year-olds get a lot of bad press but they were so moved by what had happened they wanted to do something."

A tabletop sale for the Hikkaduwa Village Fund in Bromsgrove High Street on Saturday, January 15, was also a roaring success.

Organiser Judy Tipper said: "We were supposed to open at 10am but people were already queuing at 8.20am! It was unbelievable."

They raised £850 for the fund, which will help the villagers of Hikkaduwa on the south coast of Sri Lanka, after they cared for stranded divers from Bromsgrove when the killer wave struck on Boxing Day.

Officers and councillors at Worcestershire County Council kept the money-spinning going by raising more than £3,000 from a cake stall, raffle and tombola stands at an events day on January 14.

Schools all over the district also took part in a fundraising day last Friday with children of all ages contributing to the cause.