A SPECIAL clean up unit was sent out to tackle stray rubbish blown around Bromsgrove by high winds.

Streets in the area were covered in rubbish, in particular waste set to be recycled, after it was blown across the roads and into nearby gardens.

The problem started because binmen were unable to cope with the workload following the enthusiastic response to the new recycling scheme from Sidemoor residents.

Collection was scheduled for last Wednesday but it could not be completed which meant Bromsgrove District Council sent out a clean up unit to follow the collection lorry as it completed its round the following day.

Councillor Brian Fuller (Con-Hillside), the cabinet member for environmental issues, said: "Once again we are victims of our own success. People have recently taken the opportunity to recycle and while that is something we welcome, it does place an immense load on the collection system when we launch a new route.

"The good news is that people are continuing to recycle well," added Cllr Fuller.

Sidemoor resident Eddie Stokes, from Fallowfields Road, said: "There was rubbish blowing everywhere. When eventually the collection lorry arrived, I never saw a cleaning unit. It does sound like a good idea though."

The 56-year-old added: "A lot of the problem was caused by the binmen not knowing what they have to collect. They did not take the paper but I was told they would and they also said we have to crush tin cans. I think there is a lot of confusion about the service."

